LWVAL Bylaws on Changing Program

Article IX, Council: Sec. 3. Powers.

The council shall give guidance to the state board on program, methods of operation and budget as submit- ted by the state board. The council is authorized to change the program provided:

      a. notice of proposed changes shall have been sent to the president of each local league and MAL unit at least one month in advance of the council;
      b. the change is adopted by a two-thirds vote of those present and voting. The council shall act on any recommended changes in the budget for the ensuing fiscal year and shall transact such other business as shall be presented by the board.

LWVAL Bylaws on Council Membership

Article IX, Council: Sec. 2. Composition.
The council shall be composed of:

      a. the presidents of the local leagues and MAL units or an alternate in the event that the president is unable to attend;
      b. two delegates chosen by each local league; c. the state board.